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Religious education aims to support the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural understanding. It promotes curiosity, respect, and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs whilst encouraging pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. At North Petherton Primary School, our intent is for all children to understand and have an appreciation of different religious beliefs and cultural practices so they can better understand the world around them and how religion can shape people’s lives.



Awareness, Mystery and Value’ is the agreed syllabus for Religious Education in Somerset.


Themes within the following religions are explored:


  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism


Children explore these religions through discussion, research, visits, visitors, artefacts and experiencing aspects of the religion.


Religious Education is also implemented in the following ways:


  • Fortnightly assemblies with Reverend Jane (St Mary’s Church, North Petherton) who reflects on Bible stories and Christian teachings
  • All Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils take part in annual Nativity plays at Christmas



Children at North Petherton Primary School will be able to:

  • Recall key facts about religious figures and festivals
  • Explain different religious practices and beliefs
  • Ask relevant questions and gather evidence to inform opinions and views on world religions
  • Recognise the right for others to hold their own views and the richness that diversity brings
  • Show respect for others’ beliefs, values, practices and traditions
  • Consider religious ideas through reflection, empathy and imagination and respond to more challenging questions about the purpose of life
  • Explain confidently their own beliefs and spiritual ideas and relate this to their own unique identity and self- worth