Our current Committee Members
Chair; Honor Richardson/Lisa Maidment
Vice Chair; Kirsty Tipney
Secretary; Carly Pugh/Louise Dennis
Treasurer; Kirsty Roberts
Over the last few years the PTFA has arranged a number of fundraising events, including bingos, fairs, school discos. A lot of events focus on getting the whole school community together, including parents, children and teachers, whilst also raising funds for the PTFA.
What does the money raised get spent on? Although some events are run specifically to offer social activities for the children, most are organised to raise funds. These funds are spent in a considered way, with input from the school, parents and children, as appropriate. In the past this has included extra teaching aids and school equipment, such as ipads. It also covers experiences for the children, such as whole school visits. This enriches the children’s time at school and makes the central funding go that little bit further.
If you are interested in getting more involved and being a committee member, please get in touch by emailing northpethertonpta@gmail.com
Next meeting 16th January 2025 3.30pm