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Kingfisher Class Y5

                     Welcome to Kingfisher Class!

Our teacher is Miss Baxter.


We have lots to look forward this term as we delve into studying the Georgians and living things and their habitats. 

We will also become researchers and authors publishing what we find out about the history of our school and village.

Year 5 curriculum newsletter - Summer term


 Handed outTo be completed by


PE kits must be in school every day. 

Wow! What a fantastic maths lesson today. Kingfisher Class labelled the properties of shapes and some even tried to create 3D shapes!

What a lovely afternoon at Wembdon Cricket Club taking part in a rounders tournament.

A lovely day celebrating the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

In science, we have been looking at the human life cycle. We brought in pictures to see how we have changed over the years. We loved looking at baby photos!

A great afternoon watching the Wizard of Oz by M&M productions.

What a wonderful day at Kings Cliff Woods. We collected some great inspiration ready to create our own myths.

In science, we spent the afternoon dissecting flowers to identify the parts.

We have been busy carrying out research about the life cycle of different living things.

We completed an orienteering challenge to find out the gestation periods for different mammals.

Art: creating Antony Gormley inspired sculptures.

Decorating Easter cupcakes on the last day of term.

Today, we took the role of teaching a group a new skill. We had lots of different lessons including drawing, dog breeds, rugby, tennis, anatomy, football and many more!

Zoe and Mia creating and editing a video - how to draw a carrot.

Still image for this video

Evie, Arthur and Jessica creating an editing a video - how to draw a dog.

Still image for this video

Zac, India and Amy creating and editing a video - how to plait hair.

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Amy and Chloe creating and editing a video - how to draw an eye.

Still image for this video

Enzo, Ashton and Finley creating and editing a video - football skills.

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Arran, Archie and Beau creating and editing a video - football skills.

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Elli, Chloe and Amy video creating and editing - how to draw a cyclops cat.

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We have had a super day learning all about bike maintenance. Thank you to ‘On your bike’ for a great day!

During computing this week, we have been learning how to record videos from different view points.

Easter hunt fun!

The final product! We are so proud of our Tudor shields.

Working as a team to design and create our Tudor shield.

Nose and spoon race!

Four in a row - adding mixed numbers version.

World Book Day 2022.

Sharing our love for reading!

North Petherton Press club!! We are so excited to get planning.

Space dome!! We had an amazing afternoon in the space dome. We learnt even more about space and asked lots of really interesting questions.

An afternoon on forest school. We explored forest school for sticks to make some artwork. It was a lovely afternoon with some very creative creations.

Kingfisher Class have worked really hard carrying out research for their class book.

Experimenting with marbling. Everyone loved doing this!

Kingfisher Class February 2022.

Lots of fantastic discussion during our investigation today. We used cuisenaire rods to support our understanding of fractions.

We have signed up to a train like an astronaut mission. Today, we completed our first task which was jumping on the moon.

We had a fantastic visit from author, Andrew Powell-Thomas, learning about what it was like to be an author. We have also started preparations to create our own book which we are very excited about.

We presented information about the history of heliocentric and geocentric models of space.

Showcasing our amazing work. Kingfisher Class have worked so hard this week.

We went out onto the playground to act out how planets orbit the sun.

Discussing and questioning things that we are curious about in space and beyond...

Beautiful artwork created this afternoon inspired by our space unit for Science.

The concentration during todays maths lesson was exceptional. Well done Kingfisher Class!

Our superstar maths whizz today! Well done Ruben.

Well done to Mia for winning the Joseph Casson Christmas competition. What an amazing prize!

Finding trees around school to hang our fat balls.

Comparing and contrasting the book to the film. We have loved reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as our class read!

Today, we made fat balls to feed the birds over the Winter months. This linked to our English unit, Coming Home.

Christmas dinner day!

We love sharing books in Kingfisher Class.

Music making with Ali, Knud and Michael Loader.

Today, we learnt what it means to be a refugee. We heard the life stories of Ali and Knud and how music bought them together. It was a super day with lots of amazing questions asked. ,

Still image for this video

We carried out a nature walk to create a bank of nouns and adjectives to describe Autumn.

We will remember them.

Science: today we tested materials to identify those which are soluble and insoluble.

We have carried out research and planned our non-chronological reports. We are now at the publishing stage and they are already looking fantastic!

Science: we carried out an experiment to test which materials are insulators and which are conductors.

Class research on rivers using Padlet to collect all our information.

As artists we experimented using colour to represent different moods.

Art: we looked at primary, secondary and tertiary colours. We then practised mixing colours to match Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork.

A whole school active blast this afternoon 🌟

Our amazing carnival mask which is going to be displayed in Angel Place, Bridgwater.

We loved being involved in the ‘One Run’ event. Well done to everyone involved!

Ashford Education Centre: what a fabulous day we had! We learnt so much and had fun building dams to see what effect they had on the flow of the river.

Kingfisher Class should be so proud of the homework they handed in.

As scientists we investigated the effects of air resistance by creating parachutes.

PSHCE: today we were working as a team to compromise.

In groups, Kingfisher Class created a dance to represent the journey down the Amazon rainforest.

Hot seating: today we asked some amazing questions to the character Maia about her journey to the Amazon so far.

Our handwriter of the week.

Sharing our love of reading with Fox Class.

Carnival mask team work.

Kingfisher Class have all been so proud of the work they’ve created this week.

Buddy reading in class this afternoon.

Music: learning the rhythm and pitch of Livin’ on a prayer.

P.E: Today we built up our netball skills, practising chest and shoulder passes.

Our class representatives. Well done to Evie, Archie and Elli. 🌟

Team work hoop games. Well done to everyone for working together.

Very competitive place value maths games this morning!
