What is Early Help?
The purpose of early help is to prevent issues and problems becoming serious and harmful to a child or young person, their family and community. When children and families need this extra support, they often need it quickly. Provision of early help support can be at all stages of a child’s life: pre-birth, during pregnancy, childhood or adolescence.
What does Early Help include?
Support for pupils which includes:
Promoting good attendance and punctuality.
Promoting self-esteem and confidence.
Promoting positive behaviour and positive attitudes to learning.
Providing individualised support.
What does support for families include?
Providing information and signposting to other services in the local area.
Liaising with a range of external services such as housing and Family Support Workers.
Assistance in completing paperwork and forms e.g. housing, foodbank vouchers, attendance and support at school and other agency meetings.
Advice and support in promoting positive behaviour at home.
Guidance with career and personal development and access to training and workshops in school.
Who provides Early Help support in school?
The answer is any member of staff; usually, the class teacher in the first instance as they have most contact with the children. All staff receive safeguarding training to ensure that advice given is in the best interests of keeping children safe.
Our Safeguarding Team have all received training and keep their Safeguarding knowledge up to date through the attendance at local forums, training events and reflective supervision practice. Click here for further information about Safeguarding in our school
How do I contact a member of the team?
Email: office@npcps.co.uk
Telephone: 01278662442
Our Early Help Team
Parent Family Support Advisor
Mrs Summers (all day Wednesday)
Parent Family Support Advisor Assistant (all day Wednesday)
Mrs Ward
Behaviour Support Team
Mrs van Cole
Mrs Mongare
Mrs Hill
Mrs Rigby
Mrs Ardren
Miss Parr
Miss Shepherd - Social and Emotional Support Assistant
Mrs Mills - Attendance Lead
School Offer:
Medical/first aid
Pupil Premium
Young Carers
Social and Emotional Support
County Offer: