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Fox Class Y2


Welcome to Fox Class.

Our class teachers are Miss Carter (M,Tue,W), Mrs Shuttleworth (Thu,F) and  Mrs Stevens.

The rest of the Year Two team are: Mrs Mongaré, Mrs Court and Miss H-B.

Our P.E lesson is on a Wednesday.

Please make sure your child's P.E kit is named and in school. 

Spellings are tested on alternative weeks.

If it is the 'chilli challenge' spellings, which are at the front of the spelling log, EVERYONE is tested on a Friday.

If it is the 'animal challenge' spellings, which are at the back of the book, your child will be tested on their designated day, which is written in the front of their spelling log.


Please see attached word document for the dates of the spellings. 

Please find the PowerPoint below from the SATs meeting. Any questions please come and see us.

01.07.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes.

01.07.22 - Maths Wizard is looking forward to his next sleepover.

01.07.22 - Well done to the celebration stars.

This week we will be completing our RSE unit-‘My body parts’. Please have a look above in the PSHE folder to see what we will be covering. Any questions please come and see us. 

24.06.22 - This week in Science we planted sunflower seeds. We have put them in the sunlight and are watering them every day. Some have started to grow, it’s very exciting! We are also doing an experiment to see which conditions are best for growing cress seeds. We will find out next week!

24.06.22 - Congratulations to our Celebration Stars.

24.06.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes.

24.06.22 - Maths Wizard is excited about his next sleepover.

17.06.22 - We had great fun today playing on the new play equipment. 

17.06.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

17.06.22 - We hope Maths Wizard has fun at his next sleepover.

10.06.22 - Our Fabulous Foxes.

10.06.22 - Maths Wizard is ready for his next sleepover.

27.05.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

27.05.22 - We’ve had a great day celebrating the jubilee.

20.05.22 - Our celebration stars from this week and last.

20.05.22 - Maths Wizard is excited for his next sleepover.

20.05.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

20.05.22 - In computing this week we drew our own routes for the Beebots to follow.

On Wednesday we enjoyed watching ‘The Wizard of Oz’.

06.05.22 - We have had a fun afternoon in computing. We practised our times tables on TT Rockstars and played games on Purple Mash. We also worked in groups to follow directions.

06.05.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

06.05.22 - Well done to the children in Celebration Assembly this week.

06.05.22 - Maths Wizard is ready for his next sleepover.

29.04.22 - This week we wrote Fact Files about Dodo's. As Dodo's are extinct we had to write in the past tense. We enjoyed this activity with a partner recognising past and present tense.

29.04.22 - Well done to our children who were in celebration assembly this week.

29.04.22 - Have fun at your next sleepover Maths Wizard!

29.04.22 - Here are our Fabulous Foxes, well done all.

We hope you have a lovely holiday. See you in 2 weeks.

08.04.22 - Well done to the winners of our ‘Design an Easter Egg’ competition.

08.04.22 - Congratulations to the children in celebration assembly this week.

08.04.22 - Here are our Fabulous Foxes.

01.04.22 - As part of our ‘healthy me’ topic in Science we talked about keeping clean. We enjoyed a fun experiment investigating washing germs off our hands.

01.04.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

01.04.22 - Maths Wizard is off on his next sleepover!

01.04.22 - Well done to the children in celebration assembly this week.

25.03.22 - Well done to our celebration star this week.

25.3.22 - Maths Wizard is excited about his next sleepover.

25.3.22 - Congratulations to our Fabulous Foxes.

18.03.22 - We had great fun at the ‘nose and spoon’ races!

18.3.22 - We won the joke competition today and enjoyed our extra playtime.

18.3.22 - Well done fabulous Foxes.

18.3.22 - Well done to the children in celebration assembly.

18.3.22 - We hope Maths Wizard has a lovely time at his next sleepover.

04.03.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes.

03.03.22 - Our World Book Day Fashion Show

Still image for this video

03.03.22 - World Book Day

18.02.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

18.02.22 - We have enjoyed weaving this week.

11.2.22 - We have had fun investigating textiles and made our own journey sticks.

11.02.22 - Well done to our superstars!

11.02.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes.

04.02.22 - In art we were exploring colour and texture in fabrics. we made collage Indian elephants.

04.02.22 - We listened to a piece of music and drew how it made us feel. 

04.02.22 - Well done to the children who received a celebration certificate this week.

04.04.22 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

28.1.22 - We have helped ‘Mr Whoops’ today with his spellings. We enjoyed using a highlighter to find all the mistakes he made!

In science we have been learning about habitats and micro habitats. Today we made our own binoculars to go searching for mini beasts! 

28.1.22 - Congratulations to our Celebration Stars.

28.1.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes!

14.01.21 - We enjoyed talking about how music makes us feel. We listened to two pieces of music and described how we felt as we listened to it.

14.01.22 - Maths wizards next sleepover.

14.01.22 - Well done Fabulous Foxes.

14.01.22 - Well done to these amazing children in our first celebration assembly this year!

Thank you for your continued support this term.    We wish you a Happy Christmas and

a Happy New Year!

Look forward to seeing you again in January

from the Year 2 Team.

We had a great time at our Christmas party.

10.12.21 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes for this week.


10.12.21 - Have fun at your next sleepover maths wizard!

3.12.21 - These children were very excited to be raffle winners! Well done all of you.

10.12.21 - We enjoyed our Christmas lunch on Thursday. It was fun wearing our Christmas jumpers and pulling our crackers with friends.

03.12.21 - Have fun at your next sleepover Maths Wizard.

3.12.21 - Our Fabulous Foxes for this week.

26.11.21 - All ready for his next sleepover!

26.11.21 - Well done Fabulous Foxes 🦊 

26.11.21 - This week we have enjoyed listening to stories children have written at home and looking at some potions!

We have also enjoyed playing bingo to help us read real and nonsense words.

18.11.21- In English we have been looking at instructions. We made Autumn Mudcakes and wrote instructions for them.

18.11.21- In science we investigated materials to see if they were waterproof.

18.11.21- In computing today we learnt how to take good photos. We then had a practice, do you like our photos?

19.11.21 - Well done Fabulous Foxes 🦊 

19.11.21- Have fun at your next sleepover Maths Wizard.

12.11.21 - We have been looking at materials in science this week. We looked at forces and made poppies from salt dough. We needed to bend, twist, stretch and squash the salt dough to produce our poppies.


12.11.21 - In maths we have been looking at equal groups of objects. In English we have been enjoying ‘The Jolly Postman’. We had a good class discussion about whether Goldilocks should say sorry to the 3 Bears, what do you think?

12.11.21 - Here are our Fabulous Foxes.

05.11.21 - Today we used chalks to create a firework picture, we were very proud of them.

05.11.21 - Maths Wizard's next sleepover!

5.11.21 - Well done to our ‘Fabulous Foxes’ 🦊

21.10.21 - Today we launched our rockets!

Still image for this video

21.10.21 - Our Fabulous Foxes.

15.10.21 - Today we enjoyed taking part in the 'One Run' event. How amazing that we have come together with so many people around the world.

We have also enjoyed making our rockets today. We are looking forward to launching them next week before bringing them home to show you.

15.10.21 - I wonder what our Maths Wizard will get up to this weekend?!

15.10.21 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes this week.

08.10.21 - Our Maths Wizard is looking forward to his next sleepover.

08.10.21 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes.

01.10.21 - You will find your child's chilli spellings stuck in the front of their spelling book ready to be tested next Friday, 8.10.21.

01.10.21 - This week we have been thinking about the choices we make and whether they are good or bad choices. We have also been learning about Neil Armstrong. Today we made our own astronauts using split pins, they were very fiddly but we persevered and were proud of our achievements. 

01.10.21 - Look at our 'Fabulous Foxes.' Well done all.

24.09.21 - This week in English we have enjoyed role playing a trip to the moon. We have had fun writing postcards to people at home!

In maths we have been looking at place value, we have enjoyed lots of practical activities.

24.09.21 - Today we had fun meeting our buddy class. We shared some books and played some games.

24.09.21 - Our maths wizard is looking forward to his next sleepover!

24.09.21 - Congratulations to our Fabulous Foxes.

17.09.21 - We have enjoyed our story 'Man in the Moon' this week. Today we acted out parts of the story to the rest of the class. It was fun trying to work out which part of the story it was. Can you guess any of them?

17.9.21 - Here are our Fabulous Foxes for this week. Well done everyone.

17.09.21 - Our maths wizard is looking forward to his first sleepover. 

17.09.21 - Our new librarian and school council rep. We hope you enjoy your jobs!

10.09.21 - We have all settled into Fox Class really well this week and have a great start to the year.

We enjoyed a story called ' Our Class is a Family' by Shannon Olsen and have done lots of activities about our families at home and at school.

10.09.21 - Well done to our Fabulous Foxes this week, what a great start to the year.
