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Hare Class Y3

Welcome to Hare Class!


Class teacher: Mrs Hill

Year 3 Teaching assistants: Mrs Ardren, Mrs Woodrow and Miss Conlon

This week we are looking at time in maths. Your children will bring home calendars and clocks they have made in class. Please use these as a tool to have discussions about days of the week, months of the year and how to read an analogue clock. I will put some website games below that the  children can also have a go at. Thank you for your continued support. 

Dress rehearsal

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We are going on a trip! Dress rehearsal, lighting and some science experiments.

Congratulations to the girls for passing their number challenges

To end our unit of learning about our bodies we had to find a code to escape forest school. It was lots of fun and the children had lots of knowledge!

In science we discussed tendons and had a go at creating a model hand

Congratulations to Harper for being class dojo star and to Dylan for passing his animal challenge.

Jubilee animation

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Congratulations to this weeks marvellous mathematicians and to Imogen for being class dojo star of the week.

This week...

In PE, we are learning a dance to the song called 'cover me in sunshine'. Some people are pretending to be a bee while others are flowers to show pollination which links to our science lessons and about plants.


On Tuesday, the whole school watched a play called the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. After we had watched it we summarised the story on a piece of paper. When we had finished the work, it looked amazing.


In English, we have been learning about the Iron Man so we can write a newspaper report. What makes it fun is that we are reading the book and doing lots of quick writes to shouw our understanding. It gives you a lot of questions to think about like it says he's taller than a house - is he actually taller than a house? How come nobody knows where he has come from? Is he evil or good?  That's one example of why I like this book. 


In maths we have been learning about fractions. We know how to add, subtracts and find equivalent fractions. We have also added two or more fractions with the same denominator. It was hard at the start but it was getting easier as the week went on. 

We have done lots of beautiful artwork we have produced in the style of Pablo Picasso. Did you know he has a super long name?! Look out for the work on the web page. 


On Friday afternoon we had golden time because we have all worked really hard. We collected some games and playdough. We were excited to have the afternoon off! 

We enjoyed watching ‘the wizard of oz’ today with M and M productions.

Congratulations to Tommy passing his animal challenge.

We looked at two investigations to help explain water transportation in plants. The children came up with some insightful conclusions.

... and the library is open! Remember to bring your library books each Tuesday to change it.

Congratulations guys for earning your pen licence 🥳

A sneak preview to the year 3 dance...

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Congratulations to these marvellous mathematicians.


This week we have continued learning about fables. The main one we focused on this week was the fox and the stork. We learnt the story and turned it into a play script. Today we acted the fable out in groups of 4. (P.S it was super, super fun!)


We have been learning about money, pictograms and bar charts. It's been awesome. 



We have two investigations on the go that we will look at over the term. One is to see how germination happens and the other is to see if plants need soil to grow. We will record our observations and see if our predictions are correct. We have also researched the parts of a plant and learnt what they do for the plant. Did you know seed dispersal happens by people, wind and animals?


Written by Harper and Alana - class bloggers


The boy who cried wolf

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Superstar spellers and marvellous mathematicians

We had our first dance session with Caitlin from Heathfield school. The children will learn a dance over a few weeks to perform at the Tacchi Morris theatre in Taunton on the 15th June. A letter will be handed out soon.

Four children shared their incredible fables in the key stage 2 assembly. They were brave to read their story to so many children!

Welcome to the Summer term. Please look at the topics we will be covering in the curriculum newsletter. 


This week the children have been looking at the artist M.C Escher in art. They have discussed how maths has inspired his drawings, especially tessellations and had a go at recreating several pieces.  In English, the children have been immersed in the retelling of Aesop's fables. They acted out a familiar fable and had lots of discussion about the morals behind stories. They finished the week writing their version of a fable. Everyone did a really good job! In maths the children are identifying coins and notes as well as adding and subtracting money. Please encourage your child to practise this at home by playing shops, finding the cost of the weekly food list or by playing some of the games in the weblinks below. 

Congratulations to Alana for being class dojo star of the week.  Tommy was in this week's celebration assembly for always having a great attitude towards his learning. He always tries his very best and never gives up. Lilliana was also in this week's celebration assembly for always listening to feedback to help improve her work. You can always count on her to put her all in to everything she does.  Well done everyone!

Congratulations to Lilliana and Maya-Beth who earned their pen license this week. 

More math superstars!

Coding, Easter activities and persuading the world to use less plastic! The children have thoroughly enjoyed discussing our environment and thinking about the waste humans can produce. They have created some exceptional letters which they will publish after Easter.

Congratulations to all who passed the next level of their animal or number challenges!

Congratulations to Harper and Isabella on achieving their pen license.

Look at these amazing non-chronological reports. Did you learn a new fact about these prehistoric beasts?

Congratulations to this weeks celebration stars. Max has shown great understanding when working with fractions and Poppy wrote a fantastic non-chronological report about a Bronze Age axe.

Take a look at some of the children’s explanation texts on how to make a Bronze Age axe.

Well done to these three children who have passed their next level in the animal challenges.

Today the children created a beat for their song. We look forward to their voluntary performances next week.

We listened to a piece of music today about a dragon. We wrote on big pieces of paper words, colours, emotions and pictures we associated with the piece of music then tried to sing a two part chorus.

Isabella was this week's class dojo star, she always sets herself a task and works hard to achieve it. Archie was this week’s reader of the week. He has improved his home reading for the past three weeks. Well done!

Congratulations to all who passed their animal challenges!

Congratulations to Alana and Imogen for being in this week’s celebration assembly. Imogen has proven to be a marvellous mathematician going from strength to strength each week. Alana is always on hand to help others around her sharing her knowledge and passion.

We had a tricky maths objective to put fractions greater than 1 on a number line so we decided to ditch the books and do a practical session. Well done everyone, you worked really hard on this.

Congratulations for passing your number challenges!

Congratulations to Maya for writing a brilliant non- chronological report therefore being in celebration assembly today. Isabella was this weeks reader of the week and Jaime-Leigh was the class dojo star.

The children immersed themselves into the Iron Age today. First they had to create a tribe and assign job roles, next they had to create a tribal flag, then they had to decide which resources they would find the most valuable, if they could not find or craft this resource they would have to either trade with local tribes or steal. The children learnt how brutal the Iron Age could be, even though most key changes were for the better quality of living.

Comic relief: egg and spoon race

We created roundhouses and compared the different techniques and materials they used between the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Two readers of the week, Emily and Brodie. Hudson got class dojo star for working really hard and always being ready in class.

Seamus has donated all these lovely books to the class. Thank you 😊

Congratulations Maisey on achieving your pen license! 👏🏻

What does a Neolithic house look like? The children had a go at recreating their own using natural materials they would have had in the Stone Age. They also learnt that many of the houses would have had clay tiles as one of the key changes of this era is the introduction of pottery.

Well done for these super readers. Max, Imogen and Max have read over 25,000 word and Poppy has read over 100,000 words! Max was also this weeks’ class dojo star. max has been a brilliant role model for others this week.

Author, Andrew Powell - Thomas, explained what it means to be an author. It’s a lot harder than we first thought! He read us his book ‘a world of colour’, then did a workshop so we could create a colour poem of our own.

This week we have had fun creating freeze frames and acting out part of our new guided reading book, Pebble in my pocket. Mrs Hill kept getting muddled in maths so Imogen taught the class and we learnt how people in the Stone Age had to hunt and gather their food. We created flint spears and went hunting and foraging our food in the woods then created a fabulous menu with our ingredients.

Congratulations everyone on passing your animal and number challenges!

Can you spot the imposter?

Use your 8 times table knowledge to spot the imposter.

Congratulations to all who passed their animal and number challenges this week.

Good luck to all who are representing Hare class at the cross country today. We look forward to hearing about it all on Monday.

congratulation to... Alana who is the latest member of Hare class to have received her pen licence. Aubrey for being this week's class dojo star. Max and Emily for earning the celebration certificates. Max has been improving his mathematical knowledge and shows great resilience. Emily wrote a great Stone Age story and is able to identify and use fronted adverbials. Well done!

This week in maths children have been using counters, bead strings, numicon and diennes to help them group numbers to solve multiplication and division calculations. They are beginning to use the column method in their work.

Congratulations Hare class on winning battle of the classes this week.

This week the children have researched a prehistoric beast to write a non-chronological report.  Watch this space for their amazing work!

Try to learn this song to help you with the 8x table.

Morning wake up with our 8x table.

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Lots to celebrate this week. Aubrey and Milo earned their pen license, marvellous mathematicians passed their number challenges, Harper was reader of the week, Liliana, Hudson, Poppy and Amelia passed their animal/ spelling challenges, ivy was class dojo star for always being prepared to learn and finally we had some celebration awards. Rose wrote an incredible Stone Age story making sure there was a nice flow to her ideas, fronted adverbials, inverted commas and key words used from our class novel. Fabian has been super impressive with maths and grown in confidence. He can now fully explain his reasoning behind mathematical choices to help others.

The class have emerged themselves in the Stone Age era this week, from having “visitors”, drawing with charcoal, pretending to be a cave painter to writing and sharing their own version of the Stone Age boy. Hare class has had lots of fun!

Read some of our stories.

Congratulations to Harper and Oliver for being in this week's celebration assembly. Harper has been an excellent friend in and outside of the classroom helping others. Oliver consistently performs well across a range of subjects and asks thought-provoking questions.

A huge round of applause to Thea, Poppy, Oliver and Lena who have received their pen licenses. These children have shown they consistently have the correct letter formation and sizing whilst joining in a range of their written work.

congratulations to the readers of the week.

Go on an adventure in the Stone Age with one of these books. Share any other stories with the class.

Marvellous mathematicians. Well done on everyone who passed their maths challenges this week.

In PE we have been working on our hand eye co-ordination as well as our ball skills.

superstar of the week: Brodie. A huge congratulations, outstanding effort this week Brodie :)

A massive congratulations to the first members of Hare class earning the headteachers award. Lena is a fantastic role model to her peers. She has an amazing attitude to learning as well as being a great friend on the playground. Max has a lot of passion for his written work and tries incredibly hard across all subjects. He always asks for help with his learning to make sure he can do his very best. Another great role model for the class! Well done !!

This week in PSHE we have been learning about feelings. We had drawn emojis to express our emotions. In maths we have done capacity and mass, reading scales, comparing scales as well as adding and subtracting measurements. In English we have had a go at identifying and writing fronted adverbials using our new class novel The Stone Age Boy. This book is about a boy who gets lost walking in a wood and wakes up in a cave in the Stone Age period. In guided reading, we have been discussing gender stereotypes in the book Bill's New Frock. 


Written by the class bloggers
Brodie and Poppy

Can you spot the imposter using your 4x tables?

In class, you have been learning the 4x table facts. Have a go at this game and let an adult in class know you found the imposters!

Readers of the week: Oliver and Connor. 👏🏼📖

Emily went fossil hunting over the weekend after learning about Mary Anning in class. She was lucky enough to find one and showed it to the class.

Our class theme tune this term...

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Congratulations to Dylan and Oliver for being this week's class dojo stars. They have both continued to read lots over the holidays and used scientific terms correctly. Well done!

This week in Science, we have been learning and experimenting different types of rock. We went on a rock hunt to find a rock then we decorated them and turned them into pets. In maths, we have learnt about kilograms and grams. We also have had a play on times table rockstars (more info in the homework tab). In PSHE we are looking at what makes us ourselves. We started by discussing the things we are proud to have achieved.

Uh oh!

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Christmas shenanigans

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Try this game at home

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Congratulations to Lilliana for being this week’s reader of the week. 👏🏼

Hare class have been applying their maths measurement skills by creating and making templates for their Santa sleighs 🛷. The children have created a fantastic design and are busy building. They also have a special treat for those at home...

Let there be light! The children have enjoyed creating experiments to see which objects are transparent, translucent and opaque. Next they explored which materials would create a shadow and why. They learnt darkness is the absence of light, shiny items reflect light better than dull items and even created their own sunglasses using translucent materials to protect their eyes from harmful uv rays.

Congratulations Milo for being this week’s reader of the week and Emily for being class dojo superstar. Emily has been working incredibly hard to improve her handwriting and making sure her work is presented neatly. Well done to you guys for the extra effort!

We have a cheeky elf in Hare class. I wonder what mischief he will cause...

Congratulations to even more children passing their number challenges this week. Imogen passed her animal challenge and Ella was our reader of the week. Congratulations to Alfie for having such a positive week and being this week’s class superstar. Alfie never gives up and is always keen to share his knowledge in class.

We have enjoyed a week of cooking and tasting traditional Chanukah food. We learnt in previous lessons the importance of Chanukah to the Jewish faith. Judah Maccabee and his small army stood up for their beliefs against the evil King Antiochus and the Roman Army. Once the Maccabees defeated the Romans they started to rebuild their temples and downs some ‘miracle’ oil that burnt for 8 nights instead of just one. The foods Jewish people cook over Hanukkah are cooked with oil to remind them of the festival of light. 


Why don’t you have a go at making some of the recipes at home? The recipes will be posted soon. 

Monday: cooking potato laksha

Tuesday: noodle kugel

Wednesday: challah bread

Thursday: Sufganiyot

Some super homework about the Somerset levels has started to come in... I can’t wait to see what you have all produced.

Congratulations Harper for being this week’s class dojo superstar. Harper has shown great resilience with her maths this week.

The children had fun experiencing Jewish activities. They acted out the story of Hanukkah, played the dreidel, had a go at writing the Hebrew alphabet and explored different artifacts.


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Congratulations to all the children who have worked hard to pass their number challenges. Lilliana was this week’s class dojo superstar. She is always ready to lend a helping hand to others around her and works hard to do her very best in all lessons.

This week we have been learning about the Somerset Levels and debating whether or not we would like to live on a flood plain. We also considered the impacts of the 2014 floods and if dredging is a good flood defence. We also enjoyed playing the key game. Written by Alana and Emily.

Let's keep moving!

Can you learn this dance ready for the class dance off?

Congratulations to these children for passing their spelling and number challenges. Archie was this week’s class dojo star for some fantastic writing and ideas.

Tommy was very impressed with his publishing of the lost son parable

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Remembrance day: we looked at all the different poppies and discussed what they represented. This is our display we created to show our respect.

In RE, we have been discussing how different parables show Christians messages about how to live their life. Here the girls recreated The Good Samaritan.

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Three times table song

We are beginning to use this video to help us learn the 3 times tables. Remember we need to know up to 12 x 3.

This week we learnt how to code using to make squares. I wonder if anyone can make any other shapes? We also have enjoyed teaching each other how to subtract 3 digits number with exchanging in maths as well as working really hard to retell the story of the lost son.

Marvellous mathematicians! Congratulations to all these children for passing their number challenges.

Well done Maya for being this week’s class dojo star. Maya puts 100% effort into her writing and is a lovely friend to others.

Spelling success! A huge congratulations to these children for passing their spelling challenges

Please have a look at the children’s beautiful river poems.

A snapshot of this week: researching our first artist of the year, Bridget Riley. Teaching each other how to add 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers using exchanging and writing poems inspired by Valerie Bloom. We are beginning to use water colours to publish our poems next week!

We had lots of fun doing the global mile today. The children decided to run, joy or walk for 15 minutes around a course and took part in a whole school ‘actiblast’. Great effort by all!

Congratulations to these children for passing their animal and number challenges this week! Seamus and Oliver were this week’s class dojo superstars. They showed great listening skills and have worked hard to increase their vocabulary in English.

Your child may have come home with a letter about cross country at Brymore Academy. This is a voluntary event and the children received a letter if they wanted one. If your child has changed their mind and would like to participate in the event next week then please collect one from the notice board outside the classroom. 

Well done to Oscar for being this week’s class dojo star. Oscar has focussed in lessons and created some great work.

04.10.21 We have been very busy this week as you can see. In maths we have started addition and subtraction. We used diennes to help us understand how to add numbers that go over the 10s barrier e.g 358 + 5. In science we got to design, create and play a magnet board game and in English we have fallen in love with the book 'Into the forest'. Each time Mrs Hill closed the book we wanted to read more and couldn't wait for English the next day. Please see the separate post for our amazing work about this book. We really loved spotting the fairy tale characters in the pictures. It was like a big game of hide and seek!

Let’s go fishing!

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Some of our games in action

Start your engines!

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I am so proud of the children’s work this week in English. They have shared my excitement and begged me to read ‘just one more page!’ We have loved spotting the hidden messages Anthony Browne subtly shows through his illustrations and discussing fairy tales. The children have worked incredibly hard on their first double page spread of the year. Can they find their own work?

A snapshot of our week. In science we have been investigating with magnets. The children had to discuss a method to help them answer the key question-how does magnetic force work? The children used a paper clip, whiteboard and magnet to help answer this questions. They learnt a magnetic force was invisible and the paperclip could be moved without touching the magnet. In PSHE the children discussed teamwork and we made a web out of string to see what we all had in common. Brodie attended his first school council meeting and fed this information back to the class.

Congratulations to the girls for being our class dojo superstars. They have both been enthusiastic about their learning and have been good role models for the class.

This week in English we did some conjunction work and wrote similes. In science we have been learning about magnets. In maths we have been looking at adding and subtracting 1,10 and 100 to any number (written by Harper and Amelia).

conjunction activity - connecting two simple sentences together.

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We loved this activity. It was so fun!!

This week in PE we practised balancing using different parts of our body and using equipment. We also started looking at place value in 3 digit numbers and making them using diennes. We recreated moments of the 'Flood' by Alvaro Villa by watching a weather forecast and quickly leaving school to prepare for a flood evacuation like the family have to do in the story. In science we looked at different forces and identified these as push or pull.

For our first week in Hare Class, we discussed what it means to make a mistake. We questioned if mistakes are good. Could something beautiful come from a mistake? We then tested this theory out after listening to the 'Beautiful Oops!' and 'the dot'. We took paper with holes and rips in it to see what we could create. Some paper had folded corners. We got creative and chose a variety of mediums to turn our 'mistakes' into something wonderful... Mistakes show we are learning!
