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At North Petherton our whole-school PSHE approach supports in promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. The themes and topics support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide children with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing the knowledge of when and how children can ask for help. 



We aim to:

  • equip children with essential skills for life.
  • to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing.
  • teach children how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them.
  • prepare children for life in society, now and in the future.
  • see each and everybody’s value in society, from appreciation of others, to promoting strong and positive views of self. 
  • enable children to develop their identity and self-esteem as active, confident citizens.



  • Our Scheme of Work is taught in thematic units consisting of six lessons, with supporting materials.  This enables children to recall and build upon previous learning, exploring the underlying principles of PSHE education regularly at a depth that is appropriate for the age and stage of the child.
  • Lessons signpost key words, building a rich vocabulary to develop understanding.
  • Lessons are delivered in a creative manner, using many approaches such as role play, discussion, and games in groupings of various sizes, enabling the children to build confidence and resilience. 
  • Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each lesson.  For each unit there is a specially designed pre and post-unit assessment activity. Conducted twice, this first determines the baseline; it's then repeated at the end of the unit, enabling monitoring of progress, record key points and identify areas for further development
  •  Alongside is an end of unit assessment tool using the ‘I can; statements which will help to implement best practice in assessment.



  • all children will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to succeed at school and in the wider world.
  • children are enabled to develop the vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings in a climate of openness, trust and respect, and know when and how they can seek the support of others.
  • they will apply their understanding of society to their interactions within communities, from the classroom to the wider community of which they are a part.
  • children will develop skills to evaluate and understand their own wellbeing needs, practise self-care, and contribute positively to the wellbeing of those around them.
  • Our teaching will have a positive impact on the whole child, including their academic development and progress, by mitigating any social and emotional barriers to learning and building confidence and self-esteem.