Our Parent Family Support Advisor is Sue Summers.
Sue is available to discuss any concerns you may have within your family, regarding school or home life.
Sue can be contacted through the school office on 01278662442 or on her mobile 07712330721.
What is the role of a Parent Family Support Advisor?
They can help you by advising and working with you on issues such as:
They can also be available just to listen and support if you feel you need someone to talk to in confidence.
They can arrange to meet you in school or at home or somewhere that feels right for you.
Useful numbers:
Somerset County Council
0300 123 2224
Sedgemoor District Council
0300 303 7800
Citizens Advice Sedgemoor
03444 88 9623
Money Advice Service
0800 138 7777
0808 800 5000
116 123
0800 1111