due in | handed out | |
Spellings | Friday | Friday |
Handwriting | Friday | Friday |
In year 3 there are two separate spelling lists. Your child will know if they are doing the group spellings or the class spellings so please ask them. The children will be tested on the Friday.
Please check your child knows what the word means as well as practising the spellings.
Your child will have an activity that accompanies their spellings each week (as shown below). Please support your child in completing this.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Challenge: colour in the nouns, verbs and any adjectives in different colours
Animal spellings: Alongside the weekly spellings, your child will have the animal challenges. These spellings will be tested when your child feels they are ready. There is a sign in the classroom where they can write their name to let an adult know they would like to be tested.
Times Table Rock Stars
Your child has been given their login details for Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS). This is a fun way to get to learn their times tables!
Each week a different multiplication or division fact will be set for your child to practise at home, please ensure they are playing on 'garage' to practise the correct fact. The purpose of TTRS is to increase your child's rapid recall of these facts. Please encourage your child to practise these as often as possible. All children have logged on to the website in class and should be able to access it at home. Please let us know if there are any problems and we will do our best to help you solve them.
All their results are recorded electronically, so there is no need for the children to bring any records of their scores in from home.
Have fun!